Earlier this year I was approached by a film company to illustrate wrap-arounds for the DVD packaging of a film series titled True Beauty. This is the cover for the first film in the series, which is titled "Be Still".
Be Still
In Be Still, Lisa Chan explores the pressures, perceptions, and expectations that women face and inspires viewers to let go of these lies and to enjoy being at the feet of Jesus.
From the True Beauty website:
The True Beauty films invite you into an authentic conversation about God's Word. Together with Lisa, you will explore the spiritual practices and truths of living life in Christ. Each film in the series weaves Lisa's teaching with another woman's story of discovery. Rich in Scripture and practical application, these unique films point you to the freeing discovery that true beauty lies in the heart.
Check out more about the films at the True Beauty website! The first film is currently available for purchase.
Many thanks to the crew at Flannel, Inc. You have all been such a pleasure to work with on this project!